WAND is a network run by and for autistic women in Sheffield and the surrounding area.
We have an private online community via our forum where we share stories and experiences with each other. We also meet up locally in small groups based on shared interests.
Many of us were diagnosed as adults, or have realised later in life that we identify as being autistic. Our community helps us to have a safe space where we can be ourselves.
We aim to provide a space where we can mutually support one another, share resources and activities and offer informal peer-to-peer advice where appropriate.
WAND is for anyone with lived experience of being a woman and we actively welcome women from the LGBTQ+ community, including non-binary and trans people, whether assigned female or male at birth.
Follow the link below to register for our forum where you can find out more about us and what we offer.
Register or sign inContact us at wand.sheffield@gmail.com